Add a Point Shapefile and click Points to display Field and Values in a Pop Up

Hello, MapWinGIS Community.
Is there anyone with spare time to help me out with this little riddle? I have a button, and I need to query SQL database for pictures of the Selected PointShapefile, and display picture if found in the DB. How do I refernce the Selected PointShapefile?

Did you had a look at the MarkPoints example?
It uses the PointType and Picture properties of the ShapsDrawingOptions class.

Oh, my God. You won’t believe the many times I’ve looked at the MarkPoints example, it just didn’t click in the head. Okay, thanks @pmeems, I’ll go over it again with a fine tooth comb. I’m sure I’ll be able to wrestle something out of it. If I I run into more specific issues I’ll give you guys another shout. For now, thanks for your pointer.