New dev-version of MapWinGIS

Ok. I found a missing case in the code. This layer was a MultiPolygonZM, which had to be broken down into it’s constituent PolygonZM geometries (ultimately being converted into multiple polygon shapes within a SHP_POLYGONZ shapefile). Here it is, loaded from PostGIS:

    Dim ds As New OgrDatasource()
    If ds.Open("PG:dbname='ThreeD' host='localhost' port='5432' user='postgres' password='pwd'") Then
        Dim ogr As OgrLayer = ds.GetLayerByName("03-catastro")
        If ogr IsNot Nothing Then
            Dim sf As Shapefile = ogr.GetBuffer()
            AxMap1.AddLayer(sf, True)
        End If
    End If

I’ll put out another ‘develop’ build for you to work with.

Thanks for working with me on this.

  1. Regarding the ECW images, I believe this is a known issue for which we are waiting on an update of the GDAL binaries.
  2. Regarding the 64-bit OCX, I confess I have not yet looked into that. Have you tried using the Shapefile.GetRelatedShapes2 method, at least to compare performance and results?
