I tried create categories for lines but i cant paint with diferentes colors, somebody help me with a example, i want use the fieldindex categoria from my dbf for generate categories.
Hello @Luis
You can try something like (in VB.NET):
Dim utils As New Utils()
Dim cat As ShapefileCategory = sf.Categories.Add("Cat459")
cat.ValueType = tkCategoryValue.cvExpression
cat.Expression = "[Categoria] = 459"
Dim options As ShapeDrawingOptions = cat.DrawingOptions
With options
.Visible = True
.LineColor = utils.ColorByName(tkMapColor.Blue)
.LineWidth = 2
End With
cat As ShapefileCategory = sf.Categories.Add("Cat554")
cat.ValueType = tkCategoryValue.cvExpression
cat.Expression = "[Categoria] = 554"
options As ShapeDrawingOptions = cat.DrawingOptions
With options
.Visible = True
.LineColor = utils.ColorByName(tkMapColor.Red)
.LineWidth = 2
End With
1 Like
Thanks so much Jerry
This helped me too Jerry, thanks a lot!