The nodata of image is null,so it exist black matte.
I used myImage.SetNodataValue(0,ref result)
,it work out,but all black pixels will be remove.
So how to remove black matte ,or update the nodataValue of image like arcmap.
The nodata of image is null,so it exist black matte.
I used myImage.SetNodataValue(0,ref result)
,it work out,but all black pixels will be remove.
So how to remove black matte ,or update the nodataValue of image like arcmap.
my software is v5.2.4.
I got some reason.
Because one of the pixels bands is 0 , the pixels will be nodata.
So I want to set nodata value for every bands,but the mapwingis can ’ t set,like this:image.get_Band(0).NodataValue = 0
it exist bug:the NodataValue is don’t have “set function”.
Can you show us the output of Utils.GdalInfo()
You can also have a look at Utils.GridInterpolateNoData()