Image point in the map don't change category or position

Hi there!
I was coding a little bit.
What I want to do is, get some Pois from a db and show them into the map. Pretty similar to the cartracks example. In fact I recode it in VB to understand some issues.

Now, some is wrong with the shapefile categories, because I can’t select them.
In other hand if a poi position or status change (the label text never change) but change in change the label position because is part of the Poi, how I identify every poi? I was using the index for this but the label moves but not the poi image.

What shows at map is this:

What I’m doing wrong?
Best Regards!

Private Sub InitMap()
Map1.Projection = tkMapProjection.PROJECTION_GOOGLE_MERCATOR
Map1.TileProvider = tkTileProvider.OpenStreetMap
Map1.KnownExtents = tkKnownExtents.keAustralia
Map1.CursorMode = cmZoomIn

Map1.Latitude = 0
Map1.Longitude = 0
Map1.CurrentZoom = 0

End Sub

Private Sub CreateallPoi()

Dim myPoi(5) As Poi
Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To 4
    myPoi(i).LabelText = "LabelPOI N: " & i
    myPoi(i).Lon = 0
    myPoi(i).Lat = i * -10
    myPoi(i).Catergory = i
    myPoi(i).Status = i
    myPoi(i).Visible = True

Dim objPoi As Shapefile

For i = 0 To 3
Set objPoi = CreatePiontSF(myPoi(i))
Map1.AddLayer objPoi, True

Map1.CurrentZoom = 3

End Sub

Private Function CreatePiontSF(mapPoi As Poi) As Shapefile

Dim sf As New Shapefile
Dim ct As ShapefileCategory
Dim opt As ShapeDrawingOptions
Dim pic As New MapWinGIS.Image
Dim utils As New utils
Dim lb As LabelCategory
Dim i As Integer

    Dim X1 As Double, Y1 As Double
    Map1.DegreesToProj mapPoi.Lon, mapPoi.Lat, X1, Y1

    sf.CreateNew "", SHP_POINT
    sf.DefaultDrawingOptions.AlignPictureByBottom = False

    Set ct = sf.Categories.Add("Apagado")
    Set opt = ct.DrawingOptions
    opt.PointType = ptSymbolPicture
    pic.Open App.Path & "\icon_gray.png", PNG_FILE
    opt.Picture = pic
    opt.Visible = True

    Set ct = sf.Categories.Add("Encendido")
    Set opt = ct.DrawingOptions
    opt.PointType = ptSymbolPicture
    pic.Open App.Path & "\icon_blue.png", PNG_FILE
    opt.Picture = pic
    opt.Visible = True
    Set ct = sf.Categories.Add("GpsEnLinea")
    Set opt = ct.DrawingOptions
    opt.PointType = ptSymbolPicture
    pic.Open App.Path & "\icon_orange.png", PNG_FILE
    opt.Picture = pic
    opt.Visible = True
    sf.Labels.FrameVisible = True
    sf.Labels.TextRenderingHint = tkTextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit

    Set lb = sf.Labels.AddCategory("Busy")
    lb.FrameBackColor = utils.ColorByName(tkMapColor.OrangeRed)
    Set lb = sf.Labels.AddCategory("Available")
    lb.FrameBackColor = utils.ColorByName(tkMapColor.Green)
    Set lb = sf.Labels.AddCategory("OutOfService")
    lb.FrameBackColor = utils.ColorByName(tkMapColor.Gray)

    'Some problem is here, sf.Category don't change the shape image, remains in the last loaded
    'For i = 0 To 5
    i = 0
        Dim shp As New MapWinGIS.Shape
        shp.Create (ShpfileType.SHP_POINT)
        shp.AddPoint X1, Y1
        sf.EditAddShape shp
        sf.ShapeCategory(i) = i
        sf.Labels.AddLabel mapPoi.LabelText, X1, Y1
        sf.Labels.Label(i, 0).Category = i
    Debug.Print "Pio categories: " & sf.Categories.Count 'this show 3
    Debug.Print "LBL categories: " & sf.Labels.NumCategories 'this show 3

Set CreatePiontSF = sf

'here must destroy all the objects

End Function

debugging my code show this:

Debug.Print "Pio categories: " & sf.Categories.Count
Debug.Print "LBL categories: " & sf.Labels.NumCategories 

and print:

Pio categories: 3
LBL categories: 3

the line sf.ShapeCategory(0) = 1…2…3 don’t change nothing remains at the last pic object used.

From the map itself its the same issue

No ideas how to fix