LineInterpolatePoint function do not work properly


The LineInterpolatePoint return a point at the specified distance (or percentage) along the specified line. The parameters are:

  • sourceLine: Polyline shape to traverse
  • startPoint: Starting point along ‘sourceLine’ (specify Point[0] for beginning of line)
  • distance Distance along line (or percentage of line length; if a percentage, specify a number between 0.0 and 1.0)
  • normalized: Optional value; if FALSE, ‘distance’ is actual distance; if TRUE, distance is percentage of length; defaults to FALSE

When I try to get a point at 50% of the total length of sourceLine (MyShapeIN), I call the function like this:

  • LineInterpolatePoint (MyShapeIN, MyShapeIN.point[0], 0.50, TRUE);

As result, I got the same result point using the last parameter(normalized) as TRUE or FALSE. So I think there is some error in the code or the parameter(normalized) doesn’t affect the result.


Looking at the code, the normalized parameter is not currently being used.

So perhaps instead of passing in 0.5 for the distance, you could use

(MyShapeIN.Length * 0.5)


Thanks. Jerry.
I hope is necessary to open a request to correct the code. right?