Load layer from GDB to mapControl

Hi all, I could add layer as shapefile to map control. What I could not achieve is loading data from ESRI Geodatabase to map control
Here is my code:

                var ogr = new OgrDatasource();
                string source = @"url\data.gdb";
                if (!ogr.Open(source))
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to open data source. Err: " + ogr.GdalLastErrorMsg);
                    //My problem is here. 
                    // What is the proper code to add one of the layers from the gdb to map control
            catch (Exception ex)

After successfully connecting to gdb, what is the right function to add one of the layers in gdb to map control: axMap

I see you asked the same question at Add Layer from Geodatabase not working
Since that one has some replies I’ll close this one.