private Sub ToolStripButtonZoomIn_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButtonZoomIn.Click
AxMap1.CursorMode = MapWinGIS.tkCursorMode.cmEditshape
{can not modify polygon shapefile]
Can you show some code so we can try to reproduce?
Is this still an issue with the latest version of MapWinGIS? The previous version had a bug with selection.
Hello @pmeems
Installing the most recent release (v5.4.1), I do not get the exception on the ‘selection’ click or rectangle drag.
Hello @salah
I did a quick review, and modified your code slightly. I think the only real issue may have been setting the Shapefile.InteractiveEditing
property = True. I also added a button called ButtonEdit with the code you can see below. With the code below, I was able to
- load a Point-based shapefile
- click the Edit button
- click on one of the point-shapes in the map
- drag the point to another position, then, as described in the documentation,
- click anywhere else on the map to effectively save the new point position.
Here’s the updated code:
Private _shpfile As Shapefile
Private Sub ButtonAddLayer_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonAddLayer.Click
Dim openDlg As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()
Dim handle As Integer
Dim ext As String = ""
'initialize dialog
openDlg.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.shp|Shapefile (*.shp)|*.shp"
openDlg.CheckFileExists = True
If (openDlg.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK) Then
'get the extension of the file
ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(openDlg.FileName)
If ext = ".shp" Then
' shpfile is polygon
_shpfile = New MapWinGIS.ShapefileClass()
'open the shapefile
Dim blmCheck As Boolean = _shpfile.Open(openDlg.FileName)
'add the shapefile to the map
handle = AxMap1.AddLayer(_shpfile, True)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ButtonEdit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonEdit.Click
_shpfile.InteractiveEditing = True
AxMap1.CursorMode = tkCursorMode.cmEditShape
AxMap1.MapCursor = tkCursor.crsrMapDefault
End Sub
Do you have this problem with all polygon shapefiles or with just one?
Can you share your polygon shapefile? Or check if it’s valid: Shapefile.HasInvalidShapes()
And you are using MapWinGIS v5.0.1?