The documentation of Utils.OGR2OGR() show this is a deprecated function and it is better to use GdalUtils.GdalVectorTranslate()
The difference between the functions is that ogr2ogr is a custom implementation within MapWinGIS of this GDAL function and the new method is just sending the commands to GDAL and let GDAL handle this.
Could you rewrite your method to use GdalVectorTranslate()?
I use version (GdalUtils class is not involved in this version). I’m not sure whether I can upgrade as I already distributed my app among number of colleges.
Since Utils.OGR2OGR() is only a partial implementation I doubt you will get the coordinate conversion working with it.
That is one of the reasons we implemented GdalVectorTranslate().
A workaround might be to create an in-memory point shapefile assign the correct projection and add the coordinate as a point and reproject the shapefile to the new projection and read the coordinates back.
Useful documentation:
I see now the GeoProjection class also has a Transform() method, which transforms a single point. Internally it is using OGRCoordinateTransformation.
I think that is what you are looking for, right?