PixelToProj on AxMap1

Private Sub AxMap1_MouseMoveEvent(sender As Object, e As AxMapWinGIS._DMapEvents_MouseMoveEvent) Handles AxMap1.MouseMoveEvent
    Dim X As Double = 0
    Dim Y As Double = 0
    AxMap1.PixelToProj(e.x, e.y, X, Y)
    LabelXY.Text = X.ToString() & " - " & Y.ToString()
End Sub

Private Sub Panel_LOGO_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Panel_LOGO.MouseMove
    Dim X As Double = 0
    Dim Y As Double = 0
    AxMap1.PixelToProj(e.X, e.Y, X, Y)
    LabelXY.Text = X.ToString() & " - " & Y.ToString()
End Sub

please help me… identical code but… mousemove over AxMap1 don’t work
what’s the problem here?

Hello @MAX, and welcome.

If you haven’t already, you need to indicate which Mouse events you want to catch, such as SendMouseMove, SendMouseDown, etc.

In your Form_Load event, try setting

AxMap1.SendMouseMove = True


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Thanks! it works :smiley: