Question about topic (Is there a way to click Marker?)

I read this topic, see below the link please:

According to the topic, ShowAttributes.cs shows how to identify a shape within a layer, and get it’s properties. You can also get it’s Shape, and extract the x, y coordinate.

Please, correct me If I am wrong.

Identifying shape means that marker detection if we assume shape is marker image.
Layer means that whole map which is shapfile.

My understanding is correct?

Thanks a lot

Hello Kayumiy.

A Shapefile (.SHP extension) is a file format (created by ESRI) for storing individual Shapes (points, polylines, or polygons). The attributes for each shape are stored in the associated DBF file.

When a Shapefile is loaded into the Map control, it becomes a Layer. You can have many layers loaded in the Map control, and each can be retrieved using it’s LayerHandle.

A point in a layer is simply a point in geographical space, no matter how it is displayed. You can set up a point to be displayed using a simple symbol, a font character, or an image, but what you see is not the point itself, but a symbol that is located on top of or near the point. If your symbol or image is fairly large, the mouse position may be over the symbol, but not over the point. To detect a shape by hovering over the symbol, you may need to create a ‘buffer’ around the mouse position in order to capture the actual point.

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How many are layers on this map?

I loaded map data which is ShapeFile and added this icon image which is marker.
Whole map is 1st layer and icon image is 2nd layer. Am I right?

Sorry, no.

The entire background is the OpenStreetMaps tile layer, but it does not count as a layer. It is loaded behind all user layers, and it can be turned off if you want.

If you are adding a single layer, it is the first layer at index 0. The marker symbol is part of the rendering of that layer. It is drawn on top of your layer, but it is not a layer.

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I used tooltip.cs script in order to detect marker when mouse cursor is over the marker.
Can you guide me please how to do it please?

Do you still have this question or did you figured it out already?

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