Is it possible to disable the zoom level on the map?
I need to zoom in to the maximum to see the exact points on the map because it’s not enough precise for now. I did not find anything in the documentation but I may have missed something.
Thanks for your help.
Hello @Anthony
There is a property on the map, ZoomBarMaxZoom, which will accept a value up to 25. You should also make sure ZoomBehavior = tkZoomBehavior.zbDefault, so that zoom levels are not bound to the standard Tile Levels.
Hello @jerryfaust,
Thanks for the answer I had already tried but without success…
While searching, I figured out why! It’s because of the property: Clear, that I used to delete the drawings in the interface.
The answer was however in the documentation
Removes all data from the map and sets its properties to the default state.
Thank you for your help.