Map Tiles Class GlobalSettings.ApplicationCallback in VB.Net

Hi All,
I am curious to see if their is any GlobalCallback for the Map Tiles Class. I can get the global callback to function correctly on loading shapes and can see the progress and loading messages,but dont see any activity on loading slow or missing map tiles.
Is there a certain way to do this in Have tried all the following commented options on the map loading event to no avail.
Does the built in ICallback know anything about the events in the Tiles Class?
Again, any help appreciated.

'Ax_Map1.Tiles.GlobalCallback = Me
'Ax_Map1.GlobalCallback = Me
'Dim t As Tiles
't = Ax_Map1.Tiles
't.GlobalCallback = Me
Dim gs As New MapWinGIS.GlobalSettings
gs.ApplicationCallback = Me
gs.CallbackVerbosity = MapWinGIS.tkCallbackVerbosity.cvAll
Private Sub ICallback_Progress(KeyOfSender As String, Percent As Integer, Message As String) Implements ICallback.Progress

        Debug.Print(Message & ": " & Percent & "%")

End Sub

Private Sub ICallback_Error(KeyOfSender As String, ErrorMsg As String) Implements ICallback.Error

        Debug.Print("Error reported: " & ErrorMsg)
End Sub

Sorry for the late reply.

I’m not sure how to do this in VB.NET but in C# you need to let your class implement ICallback, as done in this example: public class GdalUtilsTests : ICallback
The you need to implement the interface and you get public void Progress(string KeyOfSender, int Percent, string Message) and public void Error(string KeyOfSender, string ErrorMsg)

More about the tiles class: MapWinGIS: Tiles Class Reference
With Tiles.LogFilename you can write debug lines to a log file.

It’s strongly recommended to use GlobalSettings.ApplicationCallback rather than setting callback for each and every class.
See an example here: TilesTests.cs

P, thanks very much for that info. All the best for 2022!