hello everyone. I am using shapeeditor to draw some types as points, polylines, polygons on my map. When using current zoom small less level 9, my map run common, however, when I zoom it up to larger than 10, I assign mouse to cmAddShape
(ex: axMap.CursorMode = tkCursorMode.cmNone; axMap.CursorMode = CursorMode.cmAddShape;). My program occurs error following: “System.AccessViolationException: 'Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt”. I can’t found why it happended.
Please recommend me some idea to fix it.
Thanks a lot.
Hello @tiennguyen
- What version of the OCX are you using?
- Could you post more specific code? Then we may be able to diagnose or reproduce the problem.
Thank you.
thanks for your answer. I am using MapWinGis 5.1.1 and my code write as follow:
Shapefile sf = axMap.get_Shapefile(idLayHndPoint);
if (sf == null)
if (axMap.CursorMode != tkCursorMode.cmAddShape)
sf.InteractiveEditing = true;
drawLayer = (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.SHP_POINT;
axMap.CursorMode = tkCursorMode.cmNone;
axMap.CursorMode = tkCursorMode.cmAddShape;
GlobVar.mouseFlag = GlobVar.MOUSE_FLAG.MOUSE_DRAW_POINT;
addPoint.Checked = true;
addPolyline.Enabled = false;
addPolygon.Enabled = false;
addCircle.Enabled = false;
editShape.Enabled = false;
//addPolyline.Checked = false;
//addPolygon.Checked = false;
//addCircle.Checked = false;
ZoomInLevel.Checked = false;
ZoomOutLevel.Checked = false;
MeasureBtn.Checked = false;
MeasureAreaBtn.Checked = false;
editShape.Checked = false;
drawLayer = (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.NONE;
axMap.CursorMode = tkCursorMode.cmNone;
GlobVar.mouseFlag = GlobVar.MOUSE_FLAG.MOUSE_NONE;
// sf.Close();
// axMap.ShapeEditor.RawData.Clear();
addPoint.Checked = false;
addPolyline.Enabled = true;
addPolygon.Enabled = true;
addCircle.Enabled = true;
editShape.Enabled = true;
catch (Exception ex)
File shapefile is created in advance and choose layer was written as follow:
//1. Add shape operation
if (axMap.CursorMode == tkCursorMode.cmAddShape)
if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.NONE) // return
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.WARFARE_AREA)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndWFArea;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.GEO_AREA)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndGeoArea;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.SEA_AREA)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndSeaArea;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.AIR_AREA)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndAirArea;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.SHP_POINT)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndPoint;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.SHP_POLYLINE)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndPolyline;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.SHP_POLYGON)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndPolygon;
//2. select object by cmSelection
if (axMap.CursorMode == tkCursorMode.cmMoveShapes)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndWFArea;
//if (axMap.CursorMode == tkCursorMode.cmEditShape)
// e.layerHandle = idLayHndCircle;
// double tmpLat = e.yProj;
// double tmpLon = e.xProj;
catch (Exception ex)
Hi. I think you do not understand my explanation. Please allow me explain it again for you. I hope you might tell me some idea to repair it.
I am using some advantages of shapeEditor class to draw something, in which I assign axMap.CursorMode = cmAddShape to draw points, polylines, polygons and all of them is saved into shapefile.
To implement it I wore code as follow:
step1: I create some shapefile (.shp) to save. This function was called in Load of my application.
LoadShpGeoFile(ref sfPoint, "sf_Points.shp", ref idLayHndPoint);
LoadShpGeoFile(ref sfPolyline, "sf_Polyline.shp", ref idLayHndPolyline);
LoadShpGeoFile(ref sfPolygon, "sf_Polygons.shp", ref idLayHndPolygon);
LoadShpGeoFile(ref sfCircle, "sf_Circles.shp", ref idLayHndCircle);
In each LoadShpGeoFile(), I create a file .shp with type point, polygon, polyline respectively. Furthermore I configure options for file, for instance, color, linewidth, … . Finnally I add .shp file to map and save index of layerHandle which return by function AddLayer () ( to use for step 3). you can see attacted file.
Step2: When user select a button on toolbar, I set flag for mouse:
private void addPoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Shapefile sf = axMap.get_Shapefile(idLayHndPoint);
if (sf == null)
if (axMap.CursorMode != tkCursorMode.cmAddShape)
sf.InteractiveEditing = true;
drawLayer = (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.SHP_POINT;
axMap.CursorMode = tkCursorMode.cmNone;
axMap.CursorMode = tkCursorMode.cmAddShape;
GlobVar.mouseFlag = GlobVar.MOUSE_FLAG.MOUSE_DRAW_POINT;
addPoint.Checked = true;
addPolyline.Enabled = false;
addPolygon.Enabled = false;
addCircle.Enabled = false;
editShape.Enabled = false;
//addPolyline.Checked = false;
//addPolygon.Checked = false;
//addCircle.Checked = false;
ZoomInLevel.Checked = false;
ZoomOutLevel.Checked = false;
MeasureBtn.Checked = false;
MeasureAreaBtn.Checked = false;
editShape.Checked = false;
drawLayer = (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.NONE;
axMap.CursorMode = tkCursorMode.cmNone;
GlobVar.mouseFlag = GlobVar.MOUSE_FLAG.MOUSE_NONE;
// sf.Close();
// axMap.ShapeEditor.RawData.Clear();
addPoint.Checked = false;
addPolyline.Enabled = true;
addPolygon.Enabled = true;
addCircle.Enabled = true;
editShape.Enabled = true;
catch (Exception ex)
Step3: In ChooseLayer Event, I only assign e.LayerHandle = id which save in step1.
//1. Add shape operation
if (axMap.CursorMode == tkCursorMode.cmAddShape)
if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.NONE) // return
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.WARFARE_AREA)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndWFArea;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.GEO_AREA)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndGeoArea;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.SEA_AREA)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndSeaArea;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.AIR_AREA)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndAirArea;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.SHP_POINT)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndPoint;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.SHP_POLYLINE)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndPolyline;
else if (drawLayer == (int)clsConst.ENUM_DRAW_LAYER.SHP_POLYGON)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndPolygon;
e.layerHandle = idLay;
//2. select object by cmSelection
if (axMap.CursorMode == tkCursorMode.cmMoveShapes)
e.layerHandle = idLayHndWFArea;
//if (axMap.CursorMode == tkCursorMode.cmEditShape)
// e.layerHandle = idLayHndCircle;
// double tmpLat = e.yProj;
// double tmpLon = e.xProj;
catch (Exception ex)
My problem:
when my application zoom map not upto 9 level (current zoom <=9) , i choose cmAddShape to draw, it operate perfectly. However, when I zoom map over 10 and i choose mouse mode to draw point, polyline, polygon by cmAddShape. It occurs an error which try {} catch of c# not capture it.
[“System.AccessViolationException: ‘Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt”]. Furthermore, in output window of visual studio 2017 enterprise, I see a report that content:
Exception thrown at 0x775343D2 in C2Console.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: geos::util::IllegalArgumentException at memory location 0x00AFDDF4.
Exception thrown at 0x775343D2 in C2Console.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: [rethrow] at memory location 0x00000000.
Exception thrown at 0x60C6DD25 (geos_c.dll) in C2Console.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
Exception thrown: ‘System.AccessViolationException’ in System.Windows.Forms.dll
I really have not found a method to solve it.
Can you help me?
Thans a lot. myCode.zip (2.7 KB)
hj jeryfaust.
Can you help me?
Hello @tiennguyen
I would like to help you if I can. I don’t see anything after initial review. Instead, I would have to reproduce the problem by running the code, to see where the exception is occurring (in the OCX). But to do that, I need a complete application. There are too many missing pieces in the code sample you sent.
Is it possible to create a smaller (scaled down) sample program that reproduces the problem, and send me the code for that? I can then debug the OCX and hopefully find the exception.
Thank you,