Working with non "SphericalMercator" projection tile services


I have a non “SphericalMercator” projection tile service I’d like to use (UK National grid EPSG:27700), but I can’t use it because when adding a provider (TileProviders.Add) you can only specify one of the two enums which equate to spherical mercator or Amersfoort.

Is there a work around for this? I’m just guessing, but if you can handle “Amersfoort” I would have thought you could quite easily handle another projection type?


Rob H

Hello @robhoney

It looks to me like the solution is for someone to add that projection to the code. I’m guessing that the only reason Amersfoort has been added to the list is because someone needed and coded it.

Looking at the code, it looks like it’s not very difficult to add support for other projections. I don’t 'know if that’s something you would want to consider…


Hi @jerryfaust, thanks for the reply.

I can take a look, and this does look relatively simple, but my C++ experience is all fairly basic, non-visual stuff.


Rob H