I can’t reach my goal with your insertion of WMS services in my vb.net Application. Since Bing will soon be shut down, I need another aerial image source. I would like to use this one: LGLN-Bestand
or Google, if this cannot be integrated.
Who can help me? I would also be willing to pay some money for one that works for me!
Kind regards,
Hello Andreas.
Here are a couple things to look at which may help.
MapWinGIS: TileProviders Class Reference
MapWinGIS: TileProviders Class Reference
MapWinGIS.ocx is used to provide GIS and mapping functionality to any Windows Forms based custom software application.
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MapWinGIS: Tiles Class Reference
MapWinGIS: Tiles Class Reference
MapWinGIS.ocx is used to provide GIS and mapping functionality to any Windows Forms based custom software application.
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Kind Regards,
Hello Jerry,
Thanks for your reply.
Dim myprovider As TileProviders = AxMap2.Tiles.Providers
Dim provID As Integer = tkTileProvider.ProviderCustom + 1
myprovider.Add(provID, "LGLN Provider", "https://opendata.lgln.niedersachsen.de/doorman/noauth/dop_wms?Service=WMS&Request=GetCapabilities", tkTileProjection.SphericalMercator, 0, 17)
AxMap2.Tiles.ProviderId = provID
Dim MyWms As New WmsLayer
I have already experimented a lot with it. Also with different spellings (with GetCapabilities and without) and as WMS instead of a TileProvider. But I only see the OSM map, not the aerial images. And I don’t know where else I can start, hence my call / request if someone gets done what I don’t want to succeed.
So if someone has an idea …, I would be very grateful.
Kind Regards,
Using Mobile Atlas Creator 2.3.3, I see that the source: USGS National Map Satellite & Topo is working. Looks pretty decent. I’m not sure how to point MapWinGIS to it, though.
Thanks Bob_Pgh for your reply.
It’s an interesting ofline solution. But in my case I realized that they have no Aerial Pictures from Germany.
I just can’t get any further with my problem of integrating the above-mentioned WMS service. I am still willing to pay for a working solution. Can anyone help me?
Thank you very much
Hello Andreas.
I will try to have a quick look at it. Imagery in general, and WMS in particular, are weak areas for me, and I wouldn’t want to charge you anything for shots in the dark. But if I think I can resolve it, I’ll let you know. Otherwise, I’d be happy for someone else to volunteer.
Hello Jerry,
Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this.
Here the Link to the WMS Service:[quote=“Archangel, post:3, topic:1790”]
And the needed Projection is EPSG 25832
The Name of the DOP Layer should be: NI_DOP20
Best regards,
The Link above ist for getcapabilities, this should be for the service:
Nutzerhinweis - Webdienst?
And this Link Works for as single tile (maybe it helps)