I want to do some image analysis based on gdal in mapwingis,so how can I import gdal in mapwingis? thanks
Which part of GDAL are you using?
MapWinGIS maps several GDAL functions directly:
thanks for your response. i want to do some change detection of built-up land based on high resolution remote sensing images,so i need to read raster data and do some analysis(such as SieveFilter,Polygonize,SimplifyPreserveTopology…) based on gdal
I’m not sure MapWindow implements all requested analysis.
It does have a Grid object with several options: https://www.mapwindow.org/documentation/mapwingis4.9/class_grid.html
SimplifyPreserveTopology can be done with Sf.SimplifyLines()
Polygonize can be done with Utils.Polygonize()
The Utils class has more nice functions.
MapWinGIS has no implementation of gdal_sieve.py, but feel free to implement it and send a pull request.
Thank you for your detailed answer, which helped me solve the problem, and I’ll try it later.