when increasing the TilesThreadPoolSize Property of the GlobalSettings Object and using OpenStreetMap the whole App crashes whenn zooming, or moving the map without any errormessage.
Taking a look into Windows eventlog shows, that there is a problem with libeay32.dll. (needed for https communication). When using a custom provider with the http protocol the problem does not occur.
Sample Code:
Imports MapWinGIS
Public Class Form1
Private gs As New GlobalSettings
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
gs.TilesThreadPoolSize = 12
AxMap1.TileProvider = tkTileProvider.OpenStreetMap
AxMap1.ZoomBehavior = tkZoomBehavior.zbUseTileLevels
AxMap1.Projection = tkMapProjection.PROJECTION_GOOGLE_MERCATOR
End Sub
End Class
Beware of increasing TilesThreadPoolSize when using a tileprovider that relies on the https protocol.
Tested on VS 2019 and MapwinGis 5.3.0
Best Regards