OpenStreetMap Tiles and


Is there a known problem using OpenStreetMap tiles in It doesn’t seem to be working at all for me (Bing is working fine). If I go back to an earlier version of MapWinGis (4.9) it works.


Rob H

You’re right:
I have the same problem. Only old, previously downloaded tiles are shown.
I will need to investigate this more.

Hello @pmeems

I have the same problem and according to the logs:
LOAD TILES: xMin=8151; xMax=8157; yMin=5854; yMax=5859; zoom =14
14:58:25.291: Queued to load from server: 42
14:58:25.291: Tiles requested; generation = 9
14:58:25.384: ERROR: 0; status 429 size 0 b

A track here:

best regards

In case it helps - I tried adding OpenStreetMap as a custom provider - and it works. I’ve changed “https” to “http”, it currently doesn’t work with “https” (though I thought it did earlier - but that could be my bad memory / forgetting about the cache).

We recently changed it to https after a recommendation from an OSM manager.

BTW. I have no problem loading in the browser:

I’ll have a look at the recommendations made in the BruTile issue.

Yes, I noticed yesterday that both https and http worked in the browser

PS It would be useful to be able to see the logged requests, I’m not sure how @Anthony has managed to do it, because as far as I can see all the tile logging properties/methods aren’t available (can’t find any of the ones from the documentation - e.g. “StartLogRequests”) - have they been moved somewhere else?



Hello @robhoney

I followed the documentation :

var gs = new GlobalSettings();


I’ve added

curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "MapWinGIS/5.0");

and now the tiles are retrieved again:

I will make it possible for developers to set the user-agent and then I’ll create new dev-installers.


Thank you! :grinning:

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That would be great @pmeems.

Thank you @Anthony for the link, I missed it.

I created new development installers of MapWinGIS (v5.0.2.0), you can get it from my Google Drive.

Do remember it is a development version, some new features have been added but have not been tested thoroughly yet.

I also tried building new installers for MW5, but failed due to some strange run-time error. I’ll get back to this.

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Did this change ever make it into a released installer? I am having the same issue getting OSM tiles in 5.0.1 but hesitate to upgrade everybody without knowing it will fix my problem.

@bajap1 I am using the latest version of MapWinGIS, but I am still using OSM tiles as a custom provider, (which still works). I never tried to put it back how it was, so can’t be sure it is resolved.

Hello all.

It looks like this fix was addressed in MWGIS-170, which is included in the 5.1.1 Release.