Creation a grid format tiff

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to create a TIFF file wirth MW OCX in Delphi language.
The file is created but nothing is showed on the map.

Does anyone can help please. Here is my code:

GRD_HDR := CoGridHeader.Create;
GRD_HDR.NumberCols := 200;
GRD_HDR.NumberRows := 200;
GRD_HDR.NodataValue := -99999;
GRD_HDR.dX := 300; // I don’t know what is the unit for this
GRD_HDR.dY := 300;

GRD_HDR.Projection := ‘+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs’;
GRD_HDR.XllCenter := -40.97;
GRD_HDR.YllCenter := -3.89;
GRD := CoGrid.Create;

GRD.CreateNew(outputFilename,GRD_HDR,FloatDataType,-99999,false, GRD_FILE,nil);
for I := 0 to 199 do
for J := 0 to 199 do
GRD.Value[I,J] := I * J/100;

GRD.Save(outputFilename, Binary, nil); //Binary GeoTiff