I am trying to highlight a line segment selected using sf.ShapeSelected(index) = True
This works for point features, but not for line features. Using Version 5.1.1, and VBA in MS Access 365.
How do I make this work.
Road_MFA = 0
For Road_MFA = 0 To ShapeFile_Roads_MFA.NumShapes - 1
If ShapeFile_Roads_MFA.CellValue(FieldNumber, Road_MFA) = Spatial_ID Then
shapenumber = Road_MFA
zoom_layer = Roads_MFA_Layer
ShapeFile_Roads_MFA.ShapeSelected(Road_MFA) = True
ShapeFile_Roads_MFA.SelectionColor = vbYellow
ShapeFile_Roads_MFA.SelectionTransparency = 100
'Set Label Values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x = ShapeFile_Roads_MFA.Shape(Road_MFA).Point(0).x
y = ShapeFile_Roads_MFA.Shape(Road_MFA).Point(0).y
LabelText = ShapeFile_Roads_MFA.CellValue(FieldNumber, Road_MFA)
MapLabel = ShapeFile_Roads_MFA.Labels.InsertLabel(Road_MFA, LabelText, x, y, angleRotation, -1)
GoTo foundRecord
End If
Next Road_MFA