Implement the map

Continuing the discussion from How to draw a circle in MapwinGIS:


  1. I want to calculate the distance between the two icons on the map, without drawing a line.


  1. I want to show the angle between two icons by drawing a line on the map. It is exactly like the map ruler, but instead of calculating the kilometer, show us the angle.


  1. I want to show me a message box when I click on the icon on the map.

  2. I want to display the offline map of a city or country like google map in the application. Please help me to implement the offline map.

Please help me in these cases.

It is best to limit a topic to 1 question.
The get the distance between two shapes use Shape.Distance()

You can also have a look at the Measuring Class

You can use the AxMap.SelectionChanged event to open a message box.

In MapWinGIS v5.3 the pull request PR-146 was implemented. Making offline tiles possible.

BaseProvider modified to allow URLs like file:///c:\temp\maps{zoom}{x}{y}.ext and offline tile loading from filesystem.