Install mapwingis delphi 10.3

there is a step-by-step about installing mapwingis on delphi 10.3
I know we can install ocx and mapwingis components appears in the delphi 10.3 options list for installation, but it does not install.
Thank you.

How do you install? At what step does the error occur? Give more info.

Thanks for listening.
the path I use is Component -> Import Component -> Import ActiceX control -> “select mapwingis”
I follow the remaining steps and follow the Create Unit option.
But do not insert component or create ActiveX palette

With this installation method, a unit is created with a conflict on reserved words in Delphi. The way out of this … is either to edit the file manually, or use the file for Delphi that comes with MapWinGIS .pas or a ready-made component for installation. In recent versions it has been added.

thanks for listening

I downloaded version and it worked perfectly.
Thanks a lot for the help.