I am having trouble getting the new MapWinGIS into Delphi XE5.
I have tried bringing in the supplied “MapWinGIS_TLB.pas” file but there are errors highlighted in the code.
I get this:
"_Unit "MapWinGIS_TLB.pas" references the “Visual Component Library” framework, but the project currently has no framework assigned. Do you want to enable the “Visual Component Library” framework for this project?
(Not enabling the proper framework may require unit scoping, ambiguities, and linkage to framework binaries to be handled manually)
Yes No Cancel
I select “Yes” then I get a compile/build error on the “begin” line in the following function
“function TShapefile.SelectShapes(const BoundBox: IExtents; Tolerance: Double;
SelectMode: SelectMode; var result: OleVariant): WordBool;
Result := DefaultInterface.SelectShapes(BoundBox, Tolerance, SelectMode, result);
I would be very grateful if anyone has an answer to this.
Best regards