Does anyone have an example of how to open a CADRG format raster map as an Image? If I try to open the A.TOC file, the open fails.
Does anyone have an example of how to open a CADRG format raster map as an Image? If I try to open the A.TOC file, the open fails.
Welcome to this forum.
I’m not familiar with this format but I can see GDAL can open it: Raster Product Format/RPF.
So, in theory, MapWinGIS should be able to open the file as well. The difficulty is in the subdataset.
Here’s an example with an HDF5 file:
const string filename = @"HDF5\test.h5";
// Check if GDAL can open it:
var utils = new Utils();
var settings = new GlobalSettings();
var info = utils.GDALInfo(filename, string.Empty);
Assert.IsNotNull(info, "Could not read gdalinfo: " + settings.GdalLastErrorMsg);
Assert.IsTrue(info.Contains("Driver: HDF5/Hierarchical Data Format Release 5"), "File is not recognized");
var ds = new GdalDataset();
if (ds.Open(filename, true))
Debug.Print("Sub datasets");
for (int i = 0; i < ds.SubDatasetCount; i++)
string name = ds.GetSubDatasetName(i);
// Open HDF file using subset:
var subset = $"HDF5:\"{filename}\"://image1/image_data";
var infoSubset = utils.GDALInfo(subset, string.Empty);
Assert.IsNotNull(infoSubset, "Could not read gdalinfo: " + settings.GdalLastErrorMsg);
Assert.IsTrue(infoSubset.Contains("Driver: HDF5Image/HDF5 Dataset"), "File is not recognized");
// Open subdataset as grid:
var grd = new Grid();
var result = grd.Open(subset);
Assert.IsTrue(result, "Could not open HDF5 subset as grid");
is the name of the subdataset.