MapWindow AddLayer Issue in WPF

Hello. I have just tried to use MapWinGIS 5.2 control in WPF Net Core 3.1 project.

My csproj:

My project dependencies:


To install MapWinGIS to WPF, I followed this tutorial: WPF创建MapWinGis项目(一)_u010209404的博客-程序员秘密_mapwingis类库 - 程序员秘密 (

All worked fine until I started messing around with layers.

I used this code:

namespace KP
    using AxMapWinGIS;
    using MapWinGIS;

    public partial class Mestorojdenia : Window
        private string con = @"MSSQL:server=.\sqlexpress;database=BD;trusted_connection=yes";
        private string query_mestorojdeniaPoint = "SELECT * FROM Mestorojdenie1";
        private AxMap axMap;
        private int hndl_mestorojdeniaPoint = 0;

        public OgrDatasource ds = new OgrDatasource();

        public Mestorojdenia()
            DataContext = new MestorojdeniaViewModel();

            axMap = new AxMap()
                Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill

        private void MestorojdeniaGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (MestorojdeniaGrid.SelectedItem != null)
                Mestorojdenie Mestorojdenie = MestorojdeniaGrid.SelectedItem as Mestorojdenie;
                var mvm = DataContext as MestorojdeniaViewModel;
                mvm.Mestorojdenie = Mestorojdenie.Name;
                mvm.Mestopolojenie = Mestorojdenie.Mestopolojenie;

        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            axMap.Projection = MapWinGIS.tkMapProjection.PROJECTION_GOOGLE_MERCATOR;
            axMap.TileProvider = MapWinGIS.tkTileProvider.OpenStreetMap;
            axMap.GrabProjectionFromData = true;

            axMap.Tiles.DoCaching[tkCacheType.RAM] = true;
            axMap.Redraw3(tkRedrawType.RedrawSkipAllLayers, true);
            axMap.ShowZoomBar = true;
            axMap.MapUnits = tkUnitsOfMeasure.umMeters;
            axMap.ReuseTileBuffer = true;
            axMap.KnownExtents = tkKnownExtents.keNone;

            axMap.CursorMode = tkCursorMode.cmIdentify;
            axMap.MapUnits = tkUnitsOfMeasure.umMeters;
            axMap.SendMouseDown = true;
            axMap.Latitude = 57.1612968f;
            axMap.Longitude = 65.5239944f;
            axMap.CurrentZoom = 12;
            OgrLayer lr_mestorojdeniaPoint;
            if (ds.Open(con))
                axMap.Projection = MapWinGIS.tkMapProjection.PROJECTION_GOOGLE_MERCATOR;
                axMap.Tiles.Provider = tkTileProvider.OpenStreetMap;
                new GlobalSettings() { ReprojectLayersOnAdding = true };
                lr_mestorojdeniaPoint = ds.RunQuery(query_mestorojdeniaPoint);
                MessageBox.Show("Не подключилось чего-то");
            if (lr_mestorojdeniaPoint != null)
                hndl_mestorojdeniaPoint = axMap.AddLayer(lr_mestorojdeniaPoint, true);
                Shapefile sf_mestorojdeniaPoint = axMap.get_Shapefile(hndl_mestorojdeniaPoint);
                sf_mestorojdeniaPoint.Identifiable = true;
                sf_mestorojdeniaPoint.Selectable = true;
                sf_mestorojdeniaPoint.GenerateLabels(sf_mestorojdeniaPoint.get_FieldIndexByName("Name"), tkLabelPositioning.lpCenter);
                sf_mestorojdeniaPoint.Labels.FrameVisible = true;
                sf_mestorojdeniaPoint.Labels.FrameType = tkLabelFrameType.lfRectangle;
                sf_mestorojdeniaPoint.Labels.Synchronized = true;

App crashes on this line

hndl_mestorojdeniaPoint = axMap.AddLayer(lr_mestorojdeniaPoint, true);

As a result:


System.PlatformNotSupportedException: "Operation is not supported on this platform."

I am wondering maybe i need to change somehow TargetFramework to get it work.

UPD: Changing TargetFramework breaks NuGet packages so its another challenge.

Not sure, maybe someone experienced this problem and knows how to solve. Suggestions appreciated.

I could redo everything in Winforms but lots of work done on WPF and no way to go back.

Hello everyone. Seems like there is no workaround for this. Probably you all should stay up using Winforms and dont make attempts to do so in WPF.

Sadly to say, but it seems that the developers would have to rewrite the library from scratch to achieve this functionality.

I have already redone part of the project in Windows Forms, I will wait for the NuGet package in the deep future.

Good luck!