MouseDown Event not firing in Class Library

Hi ! I have a class library with mapwin ocx inside a splitcontainer panel . When using the library in an application the mousedown, mouseup and mousemove events do no fire. After adding the layers we add:
AxMap1.SendMouseDown = True
AxMap1.SendMouseUp = True
AxMap1.SendMouseMove = True
This is all done in the class library.

Any ideas on how to solve this ?

Nevermind, got it working.

You want to share your solution with the rest of the class? :grin:

Hi Bob, after setting layers and doing the sendmousedow, up,and move =true
the mousedownevent started working but the right click was not.
What I wanted to do was to start shape editing mode using the right click on a polyline shape, but since that wasn´t working I placed a toolstripmenu with an option to start the editing and on the left click (mousedownevent ) I checked if editing was on and went on changing the shape.