I’m a newbie in MapWinGIS and I have a global Question. Unfortunately I’m not a C ++ user. Is there a current manual VB or VBA for MapWinGIS?
I am currently having problems with establishing a connection to a PostgreSQL database. I’m using MS-Access as a frontend for Postgres and to display the factual data the solution works fine. Now I have implemented MapWinGIS in the Access frontend and would like to use it to access the GIS data from Postgres. I Wrote a short procedure in Access for loading the Data. This works very well with shape files, e.g .:
Private Sub LoadData()
shpLayer.Open ("C:\GIS-SH\LANIS-SH\Natura2000\ffh_gebiete_5000_utm32\ffh_gebiete_5000_utm32.shp")
LayerHandle = TestMap.AddLayer(shpLayer, True)
End Sub
To establish the connection to Postgres, it doesn’t, e.g .:
Private Sub LoadData()
LayerHandle = TestMap.AddLayerFromDatabase("host='localhost' port='5432' dbname='DVL-GIS-DB-Test-local' user='postgres' password='postgres'", "SELECT * FROM gtb_flaeche", True)
End Sub
I would also be grateful for any tips for programming a cursor to identify polygon object data, especially to get the object ID for further processing in an Access database.
I believe that you need to prefix the connection string with “PG:”. We use GDAL to connect to non-Shapefile datasources, and you can check out their online help here regarding your connection string.
Ok. You want the connection string with the single quotes around your parameters (e.g. host=‘localhost’, etc). What I would try next is to go a step at a time; open a connection, check for layers, etc. and see where it breaks down. Something like this:
Dim ds As New OgrDatasource()
If ds.Open(“PG:host=‘localhost’ port=‘5432’ dbname=‘DVL-GIS-DB-Test-local’ user=‘postgres’ password=‘postgres’”) Then
Dim layerCount As Integer = ds.LayerCount
For i As Integer = 0 To layerCount - 1
Dim ogr As OgrLayer = ds.GetLayer(i)
If ogr IsNot Nothing Then
LayerHandle = TestMap.AddLayer(ogr)
End If
End If
Hi, many thanks for helping again,
I now have the solution. The correct hint was the prefix “PG:”. In my last code snippet from yesterday there was a small typo in the transition of the variable “str_pgConnString”. After the correction, the application runs fine. Here is the correct code. It works with or without single quotes:
Private Sub LoadData()
Dim str_pgConStr As String
Dim qrySQL As String
str_pgConStr = "PG:host='localhost' port='5432' dbname='DVL-GIS-DB-Test-local' user='postgres' password='postgres'"
qrySQL = "SELECT * FROM gtb_flaeche"
LayerHandle = TestMap.AddLayerFromDatabase(str_pgConStr, qrySQL, True)
End Sub
By the way, how can I activate the code-container here for correct presentation of the code?
I’m glad it’s working now. Regarding the formatting, one thing to keep in mind is that the code cannot be at the left edge - it must be indented. If the pasted coded is not already indented, I just add 4 spaces to the beginning of each line. Hopefully that’s all it is for you.
You can also add 3 ` (back tick) before and after your code snippet to create a code container.
On my keyboard, it is the key left of the 1. So not the quote: ’