Tile Server for open street map

I am trying to add Open Street Map, I get message stating, TMS provider has added open street map, however open street map is not displayed in my project, the only thing that display is the open street logo at the bottom right on the map canvas. I am using MW5 v5.4.1. Please any help

@pmeems, this is a MapWindow question. Are you able to review?

Sorry, missed this post.

I just tried with MW5 v5.4.1 as well and although it is very slow, I do get fresh tiles:

Are using a proxy?

Hi Pmeems,

I’m using the activex control mapwingis, I’m finding that tile loading does seem really slow, although there does seem to be some buffering/caching somewhere along the line. As it can be quicker to load previous loaded parts, even on a new instances.
I’ve been playing with projections, which it seem can cause some problems with tile loading.

similar thread: Tile Providers don´t show content in map control Access Form

There’s an discussion about this at https://github.com/MapWindow/MapWinGIS/issues/182
Jerry and nextfullstorm are looking into this.
I think it is best to wait for that outcome.

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Yes, I did make a change that significantly speeds up the http tile loading. I will be writing up a ticket and submitting the change to the ‘develop’ branch soon.