hi I’m developing a c # application in Visual Studio Community 2022 (Framework 4.8)
I’d like to add a Map.
I installed the last version of MapWinGis (5.3) 64 bit and I added Map Control.
When I drag the map Control into Form, a popup windows with this error appears
Can you help me?
Maybe It depends on VS2022 version?
Hello @Green-bms, and welcome.
At least historically, the Visual Studio IDE cannot host a 64-bit OCX. I’m not certain, but what I think you have to do (perhaps others know more detail, or you can search online) is to develop the application using the 32-bit OCX, then when you’re ready, build the 64-bit version. And to run the 64-bit version, you would have to unregister the 32-bit OCX and register the 64-bit OCX. You could optionally use a separate machine for your testing (one that has the 64-bit OCX registered) so that you don’t have to repeatedly swap between the two OCX’s.
I hope that helps.