Speed up rendering of GeoTIFF map

I loaded an image - located on my machine - with the format geo TIFF (13000 × 9000, 9,4 Mo).
When I try to zoom in and out in the region of interest, I see the wait cursor. The navigation is not instantaneous. Have you suggestions to improve the performances like options or special loading modes?
Thank you very much

I don’t think this is a MapWinGIS issue, per se. Rather, you may need to tweak your geotiff a bit to improve performance. Two thoughts:

  1. Check that the projection of your geotiff is the same as the map component. If not, you may want to look at using gdalwarp on the image.
  2. I’m not sure how much this will help, but take a look at the ‘gdaladdo’ command to incorporate some overview images into your geotiff file.


@jruschme is right. Make sure your GTiff is in the correct projection.
You can use GdalUtils.GDALWarp() if it is not.

And adding overviews will also help: BuildOverviews()

FWIW, I think that BuildOverviews() is equivalent to pre-processing the image with gdaladdo.